Installation examples

Each of our products has been specially designed for different areas of application. For example, a household of up to 10 people requires a different AcquaPhi than a household of up to 4 people - the same also applies for use in the catering trade, agriculture, industry and other areas.

You are not quite sure which is the right device for your purpose? Are you wondering how and where your AcquaPhi will be installed in the future? We would be happy to show you some examples that give you an idea of the installation possibilities.

Your request is not listed here? Then feel free to contact us - we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Installation example AcquaPhi BIG

Installation example AcquaPhi BIG

Installation example AcquaPhi Family

Installation example - Family and Pro

Installation example Family and Pro

Installation example AcquaPhi SLIM and SLIM + Universo

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